Home Forums Teach us to Pray 4.4 – Apostolic Prayers: Ephesians 3

  • 4.4 – Apostolic Prayers: Ephesians 3

    Posted by ECO on December 16, 2021 at 5:00 pm

    Respond to either prompt one or 2 & 3 in paragraph format:

    1. Paraphrase the prayer from Ephesians 3 in your own words. Don't forget to demonstrate the progression of this prayer in your paraphrase.
    2. Identify the phrases in the prayer that would identify the First and Second Commandments given by Jesus in Matt. 22: 34-40?
    3. Listen to the prayer of Dwayne Roberts and his worship team in the Further Resources section. How does the team develop the themes of Matt. 22: 34-40 throughout the prayer from Eph. 3?
    ECO replied 3 years, 2 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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