Home Forums Legacy of ACOP 4.2 – Equipping and Training for Mission

  • 4.2 – Equipping and Training for Mission

    Posted by ECO on August 20, 2021 at 4:46 pm

    In Psalm 78:72 “David shepherded them with integrity of heart and with skilful hands he led them”.  This verse lists two competencies that King David used to lead Israel 

    1. Shepherding with Integrity of Heart
    2. Leading with Skilled Hands 

    Please comment on how could we apply these competencies to Christian ministry today? 

    Emma Hodges replied 5 days, 2 hours ago 20 Members · 21 Replies
  • 21 Replies
  • Karry (Karen)

    December 27, 2021 at 4:44 pm
    Rank: Level 2

    If your heart is in the right place and filled with the Spirit, the ministry will be God led not man led so will have more chance of success and more importantly being what it should be. Having skilled- hands – standing on the word – having mentors who can contribute to skill, accessing learning tools to gain skill.

  • Jenn

    March 20, 2022 at 10:05 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    I think it all comes down to our motivation to reach the hearts of those in our care. We need to look inward regularly to ask the Lord to reveal areas we might lack integrity, and we need to look outward at our skills and be willing to learn and grow in those areas too. Taking courses, improving our communication skills etc.

  • Charla

    March 26, 2022 at 4:18 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    Integrity of Heart is applied in our own discipleship journeys, staying connected with Jesus as the True Vine. Having a heart that remains soft and ‘lead’able. Accountability in relationship with our brothers and sisters in Christ is key as well.

    We lean into having skilled hands when we remain teachable. Mentorship relationships, courses, leadership training, continued reading and openness to feedback can all be contributors to developing our skills. We “stir up the gift of God” within us also, through prayer and faithfully using those gifts.


    June 6, 2022 at 8:50 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    We will see in this verse the balance of skillset and heart as we do anything that God has tasked us to do—ie. we should do things with excellence (skillful hands), and with pure motives (integrity of the heart). In many cases, Christians have the good motivation (heart’s desire) to serve God, but no skills. Or skillful, but no integrity of the heart. For example: a person loves to sing, but the ‘song doesn’t love the person’—ie. no talent in singing. Or, a person who’s very good in playing instrument, but always late in worship team practice or has a bad attitude. Heart and talent must be balanced. It cannot be just pure talent/skills and no heart; it cannot also be just pure heart (desire/good motives) but no talents/skills. David, as described in the Scripture, did his task with integrity of the heart (pure motive) and with skillful hands (excellence). In secular view, a lot of times they put too much premium on skillset, and less in attitude/behavior (integrity of the heart). But in serving the kingdom of God, both skillset and attitude/behavior matter.

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