Home Forums Legacy of ACOP 4.2 – Equipping and Training for Mission

  • 4.2 – Equipping and Training for Mission

    Posted by ECO on August 20, 2021 at 4:46 pm

    In Psalm 78:72 "David shepherded them with integrity of heart and with skilful hands he led them".  This verse lists two competencies that King David used to lead Israel 

    1. Shepherding with Integrity of Heart
    2. Leading with Skilled Hands 

    Please comment on how could we apply these competencies to Christian ministry today? 

    Zach replied 2 months ago 25 Members · 26 Replies
  • 26 Replies
  • Zach

    December 19, 2024 at 10:49 am

    Shepherding with integrity of heart as a competency of Christian ministry today would relate to the development of leaders with proven character and loyalty to the Lord and his people. Leading with skilled hands would involve both the spiritual and natural competencies required to not only serve well, but do so in ways that are healthy. Applying both of these competencies to Christian ministry today would require processes, experiences, but also the development of relationships that help people grow and develop in heart and hand. This combination is required as often one is given priority over the other where you get great character but no skill, or lots of knowledge but no skill or character. I think the vital ingredient is relationships developed within this learning and development framework, that are both supportive and challenging.

  • Anna

    December 10, 2024 at 4:05 pm

    Shepherding with integrity of heart means keeping ourselves pure in the sight of the Lord. What we do in secret matters just as much as what we do in public. We must hold each other accountable in our areas of weakness and work together as a body to help each other move in our God given abilities and Spirit led callings. As we lead those around us, we must do so with Christ as our model, the Holy Spirit as our guide and the Father as our provider. He will lead us into all kings of situations in which we must follow Christ example; prayerfully committing our followers and our next steps to Him. Integrity of heart also involves being humble before God and others, recognizing and repenting of sins, and not thinking more highly of ourselves then we should.

    Having skillful hands means that we are, as leaders, constantly learning, growing, and challenging ourselves and those around us to live the life God has called us to live. It is important as leaders to recognize and build into the potential of others and sometimes that means that we must also get equipped ourselves.

    I do believe the ACOP is equipping the next generation of leaders in these two areas by proving programs and courses, such as the one we are taking now, to be the best followers of Christ they can be as the best leaders are the best followers.

  • Afraz

    November 12, 2024 at 8:21 pm

    We can apply these competencies to christian body to by demonstrating the love of Christ within the fellowship. Be truthful to the body of christ and not overlooking teacerable moments that may come . Staying ture to the word of God and standing on the word of God is very important ,this is how we express and demonstrate the love of Christ .

    Leading with a skill hands , that can only be direct by the spirit of God. David almost ever time , will lean on the Lord for his direction, nspiration and instructions.

  • Kevin

    October 22, 2024 at 1:10 pm

    When it comes to having “integrity of heart” in modern ministry leadership, one thing that comes to mind is honesty. We need to be honest with God, ourselves, the leaders under us, and the people we are leading. We need to allow God to search our motives and convict us if we’re doing anything from a wrong place.

    We also need skillful hands in what we do so that we’re productive, strategic, and efficient in our ministry. We need to constantly be getting better in how we’re doing things, so that the Kingdom advances not in a haphazard, random way, but with intention and force!

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