Home Forums James 4.1 – Discipline in Speech

  • 4.1 – Discipline in Speech

    Posted by ECO on January 21, 2022 at 2:13 pm

    Respond in paragraph format to the following prompts:

    Where do your words hold a particular power to steer? How can you navigate that relationship or situation in light of James' wisdom regarding our words?

    Have you ever sparked a forest fire through your words? If so, how should we best respond as Christians to the brokenness caused by undisciplined words?

    Dianna replied 2 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Dianna

    November 9, 2022 at 6:57 pm

    Something was said in this video that caught my ear….Your words can actually shape destiny and calling. WOW so powerful. Love that

  • Karry (Karen)

    July 7, 2022 at 5:01 pm

    I am trying to ‘practice the pause” before I react and I am a work in progress. So yes I have sparked a forest fire but am trying to pause instead of react.

    How beautiful can our words be when we use them as God intended to edify and build up. When giving kids/youth complements or speaking into there lives saying – you are awesome – ect it is painful sometimes to see in there face those words that build up they haven’t heard them enough and don’t know how to grab them and let that goodness grow and believe with all there heart they are worthy – they are awesome they are amazing.

  • Dolores

    March 7, 2022 at 11:11 am

    My words hold a particular power to steer in my relationships with my children, people in my ministry groups and my spouse. It's really challenging to drill it down to specific people as anywhere we are, we are representatives of Christ so our words can steer anyone we come in contact with either in person or even online. I believe I can navigate these relationships or situations in light of James' wisdom by being quick to listen but slow to speak. This is particularly challenging for me as I am always ready to respond, and by ensuring that my words are bringing life not negativity.

    Every human being alive has sparked a fire through their words, I am guilty of that. The best way to respond after igniting such a situation is to be humble and take responsibility for my words and for the situation that followed. Communicating what I feel I said to spur the situation and the way I should have reacted or spoken or perhaps the solution was that I should have not responded at all! Asking for their forgiveness and for the forgiveness of my heavenly Father.

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