Home Forums Self-Awareness and Managing Yourself 3.6 How Can Being in Community Help Me with My Sin?

  • 3.6 How Can Being in Community Help Me with My Sin?

    Posted by ECO on July 14, 2021 at 1:40 pm

    Mandy mentioned 5 tips for being a trustworthy person to help others with confession and accountability:

    1. Have grace.
    2. Don’t try and “fix” them.
    3. Be quiet and listen.
    4. Reflect back to the person that Jesus died to forgive their sins (1 Jn 1.9)
    5. Pray for them.

    Answer BOTH the following prompts in a paragraph:

    1. Consider the times you have been this trustworthy person for others who need to confess or have accountability (or, if you haven’t been this for someone, just imagine being that person) — which of these tips would you find difficult, and why?

    2. What steps could you take to grow in that area so you are better prepared to be a trustworthy person for others to confess to and have accountability with?

    Martha replied 2 years, 11 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Martha

    March 22, 2022 at 4:40 pm

    1. Because I currently facilitate a support group for people overcoming life controlling issues, addictions of all sorts, I have been this person for others and continue to do so. Having said this, the most difficult one of the 5 points for me is, having and showing grace to the person who continuously repeats the same sin over and over because they refuse to relinquish control, submit, and give it to God. Sometimes the pain of getting better is too much to bear. This is where I have to go to prayers and be reminded that only God can heal them, and all I can do is be quiet and listen, pray, and remember God loves and shows grace to all.

    2. The steps I am taking to become more gracious is to learn, research and practice grace at every opportunity. I know that I cannot look into the eyes of anyone that God does not love, so I continuously have to remind myself that Jesus died to forgive their sins just as he forgives mine, And that he is the only one that can heal them. my job is to humble myself, be vulnerable, show love, encourage and walk along side of them to help them to continuously move forward and that it is a process. Recovery rarely happens overnight and that He who began the good work will bring it to completion in his timing not mine.

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