Home Forums Legacy of ACOP 3.4 – How ACOP’s Beliefs Have Evolved

  • Lorna Anne

    April 9, 2024 at 1:36 pm
    Rank: Level 2

    From 1937 to 2006, there are lots of changes on Statement of Faith so as Government rules. Now, same opposite sex can get married.

    Statement of Faith changes because of different tradition, views, understanding of the world and we need the Statement of Faith as the foundation of our church. What we believe and what we stand is great things to share in the body of Christ.

    As a new believers in our church, they need to know on what we believe as they grow deeper in the word of God. Lots of occult teaching ,as a leader its our responsibility through the work of the Holy Spirit to disciple our body of Christ.

  • Jaylen Hodges

    September 9, 2024 at 12:42 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    I think it is good to have ever-evolving statements of faith due to cultural changes. It would be important to distinctly communicate something that we believe might require a clear distinction because culture has moved in a direction to perhaps assume otherwise.
    This would be pure speculation, but seeing where Canada is going as far as gender identity goes, we might have to come to a point where we explicitly state that we believe God has made us either male or female, and gender identity is not a matter of spectrum but it is solidified. Much more elegantly said than this, but you get my point. Perhaps even further down the road we might have to elaborate our statement surrounding issues with AI and incorporating AI into our bodies (neuro-link, etc).

  • Emma Hodges

    September 13, 2024 at 4:36 pm
    Rank: Level 2

    I think a current social issue that may need to be addressed in a future statement of Faith would be regarding mental health. I have heard people say things on either side when speaking about mental health: some people have said it is a demonic influenced thing, whereas others have said that it is a health condition that cannot be changed. Obviously there are flaws with both ends of this thinking. I think having in the statement of faith something to help frame the conversations church leaders have with people regarding mental health would be very helpful as this is such a prevalent issue today, and many do not know how to have helpful conversations with those struggling.

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