Home Forums Legacy of ACOP 3.4 – How ACOP’s Beliefs Have Evolved

  • Deleted User

    Deleted User
    June 5, 2023 at 1:23 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    Currently in Canadian culture there is a disconnect between what we believe and living it. I have seen so many attend church, but few share their testimony outside of the church doors. Jesus mandated that we make disciples of all nations, yet there is nothing about this in our statement of faith as an organization. Our churches are struggling in this area and it may be time to address it and ensure that we are doing what Jesus commanded us to do. We have included water baptism and baptism in the Holy Spirit and neglected the part that comes before that (Matthew 28:16-20). As the numbers of people who identify as Christian in Canada continue to decline we need to consider how that correlates with this.

  • Kimberly

    October 12, 2023 at 1:31 pm
    Rank: Level 2

    I agree with many others that gender identity will likely have to be addressed soon; especially with SOGI campaign being introduced to the minds of our little ones at such young, impressionable, ages.

  • Melany

    December 14, 2023 at 10:24 pm
    Rank: Level 2

    I think Gender is something that would probably need to be included in the future..

  • Lorna Anne

    April 9, 2024 at 1:22 pm
    Rank: Level 2

    As we see from 1937-2006, there are lots of changes in the Statement of Faith same as the Government rules changed too.

    Statement of Faith is where we based the foundation of our church belief. The baseline of the church. Because now ,people can married same opposite sex. So we need to put the foundation in our church.

    The word of God is our main map in our Christian walk with Jesus ,but we as a body of Christ, we wrote it down on what we believe. Lots of unbiblical teaching arises but if our body of Christ know what we believe we have a good foundation.

    We need to know the word of God through the power of the Holy Spirit. We need to know him more deeply in our relationship with him

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