Home Forums Thinking Theologically 3.4 Applying the Gospel

  • 3.4 Applying the Gospel

    Posted by ECO on June 28, 2021 at 2:58 pm

    When thinking about what it means to walk out the Gospel, there are questions we can ask ourselves to orient our thought patterns. For example;

    Questions to ask of our lives in light of creation:

    1. How did God originally design this to be?
    2. What is it meant to be without sin or brokenness?
    3. How does it reflect the beauty and character of God?

    Questions to ask of our lives in light of the fall:

    1. How has sin in this area diverged it from God's design?
    2. What is keeping me from living according to God's plan?
    3. How has sin infiltrated my own thoughts, words, and actions?
    4. What sinful aims or purposes are being promoted in my current culture?
    5. What is the actual 'battleground' or 'enemy' in my life (or this particular area of life)?

    Questions to ask in light of redemption are:

    1. What do I need to repent of in this area of life?
    2. How has Christ redeemed this area or issue?
    3. How can I live out the love and character of God in this area?
    4. How does my freedom from sin empower me to obey God and return to His design?
    5. How can I steward this area or relationship in a way that honours God?
    6. How am I called to engage with evangelism or discipleship in this area?

    Questions to ask in light of the consummation are:

    1. How does the assurance of future hope change my attitude in this moment?
    2. How does the assurance of future hope change my priorities in life?
    3. What gives me true joy and hope in the changing circumstances of my life?
    4. How can I be living in light of the future that is to come?
    5. How can the people of God live in response to our future hope here and now?

    Consider a circumstance or situation you are living through now. Answer some of these questions in regards to your situation. Ask God for clarity if you cannot see a clear path or answer.

    Cailey replied 2 years ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Cailey

    February 15, 2023 at 10:10 am

    Right now, in my life I am trying to navigate the difference between what God wants and earthly desires within the church. We live in a world that is constantly changing, new trends are emerging, and people are creating their own ideas of what the church looks like. I am guilty of falling for this myself.

    So, when I was going through the questions, some of them definitely stood out to me.

    What is the actual ‘battleground’ or ‘enemy’ in my life?

    So often it’s easy to get caught up in things people do in the church, and hurts based on actions and words that we forget it is bigger than that. Reminding myself the ‘enemy’ is not the church or even the person in the church is important.

    “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” -Ephesians 6:12

    How can I live out the love and Character of God in this area?

    We are called to love people (Mark 12:30-31). But I also don’t think I need to be friends or let people into my personal circle to love them. Jesus had 12 disciples but only 3 of them were really close to him. I can love people and live out God’s character by being the person he’s called me to be. to have grace and show love.

    What gives me true joy and hope in the changing circumstances of my life?

    It gives me true joy that God is bigger than it all. I am not perfect but he doesn’t expect me to be. The same grace I am called to give to others, God has already given me. Some battles I face can’t be won by me, I have to just share my thoughts. Agree to disagree and leave it to God. But I know that God’s love doesn’t change for either me or the other person/people. So I can still have joy and share God’s love in whatever the change may be.

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