Home Forums James 3.3 – Bogus Faith

  • 3.3 – Bogus Faith

    Posted by ECO on January 18, 2022 at 11:41 am

    Respond in paragraph format to the following prompt(s):

    • When in your life have you been tempted to speak words, but not back them up with action?
    • How does the Holy Spirit equip us to live a transformed lives through our faith in Jesus?
    Nikolas replied 3 years ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Dolores

    February 24, 2022 at 12:08 pm

    I have been tempted to speak words, but not back them up with action when I read in the Word that I am to love everyone and be without judgment. Only to feel anger and judgment when pressed to actually have to do it. For example, I know I am to love and forgive, but forgiving someone who has seriously hurt my family is not easy or sometimes even possible! I have to pray for the strength to forgive. This is something I really have to work on. My family in Ukraine is being bombed right now, how do I not hate Putin?? I am to pray and love him? I can not at present back up my words and my actions.

    The Holy Spirit equips us to live transformed through our faith in Jesus by reminding us that we belong to Jesus 100%. We are a new creation and therefore our old self is dead. We live to a higher standard.

    • Nikolas

      March 1, 2022 at 2:24 pm

      Hi @dostapyshyn

      Thanks for taking the time to respond to the questions in this course. When I read through your response it reminded me of the wrestling we read in the Psalms–the ways that David, and other writers, would wrestle with seeking to love and follow God while also feeling the very real human emotions of grief, anger, sadness, outrage, and so on. The Psalmist is able to bring those thoughts and emotions before God: to deal with them in the presence of God, and allow God to work on him. Many times we may not feel ready to love or to forgive someone who has hurt us or to let go of anger. Yet as we intentionally come before the Lord, and bring to him our own hurts, angers, and dissapointments, he can renew us and mend us. I believe it is only by the presence of Christ in our lives that we can learn to love and forgive those who grievously hurt us.

      I’m so sorry to hear of your experience with family in the Ukraine. It is not wrong to want justice to be brought to bear against those who hurt innocent people. The Scriptures are full of God’s reassurance that he will return to set his world aright. When I find myself especially angry or upset with world events, I find I need to pray for those in leadership (even those I particularly disagree with!)–that their hearts would be softened to hear the voice of God and that they’d give their lives to him. I may not always get it right, but, like the Psalmist, I try to come honestly before the Lord and ask him to transform my heart so that I can learn to abide afresh in the love of Jesus. By coming to God in prayer, we are asking God to do his work of transformation in us, and to guide our thoughts, words, and actions as we seek to live for him.

      May you be blessed as you continue your learning journey, and as you grow more and more deeply as a disciple of Christ,


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