Home Forums Legacy of ACOP 2.5 ACOP & ECP Merger

  • Emma Hodges

    September 13, 2024 at 2:58 pm
    Rank: Level 2

    I think it is a bit odd that the decision was made to merge with the ECP when the doctrinal differences were the reason why originally they were not connected with the PAOC. I think that unity should be something that is kept at the forefront of churches and Christian fellowship. We are to be unified in our pursuit of loving God and loving others, but that does not mean we cannot have doctrinal differences. Ultimately what matters is that we love each other and help each other when we can, even if we do have doctrinal differences. A fellowship can function when there is doctrinal differences by having conversations with people from all views and encouraging people to feel like they can share their opinions. This also includes having grace for one another.

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