Home Forums Legacy of ACOP 2.5 ACOP & ECP Merger

  • Cailey

    July 26, 2022 at 9:34 am
    Rank: Level 2

    I think that the merger between the ACOP & the ECP is a wonderful part of the ACOP history. It shows the growth of the organizations from the begging until that point.

    So often it’s the small things that puts a divide between Christ Followers because beliefs don’t 100% lineup. It’s wonderful to see they recognized that they believed the same core things and that they respected each other enough to agree to disagree on the other things.

  • Kylie

    October 3, 2022 at 3:33 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    I think it was wise as I do believe that fellowship and unity should be highly valued and that as long as core doctrinal beliefs are not compromised then it is the right call. I believe a little doctrinal difference within fellowship will create challenges at times but also will help push people closer to Jesus because of this search for answers and need for understanding in their hearts. It also teaches disciples to love well despite conflicting perspectives which will make for stronger outward ministry as they learn to soften their hearts but not their foundations.

  • Caleb

    October 3, 2022 at 10:21 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    I think ACOP’s decision to merge with ECP despite doctrinal issues regarding the Godhead was a wise play. Such a small difference should not hinder believers from fellowshipping with one another. Frank Small may have felt strongly about the issue of the Godhead when dealing with PAOC, But I do not think he should have made as strong of a point as he did about oneness theology. there will always be other believers who disagree with you on all levels, yet each one of those believers believe God has called them to the place they are in today. If the issue doesn’t concern absolutely essential aspects of Christian faith such as the love of God and Jesus’ sacrifice for us on the cross, I don’t think it is work causing disunity and argument. fellowship will always function on the premise of god’s love, grace, and the price Jesus paid.

  • Nate

    February 2, 2023 at 10:14 am
    Rank: Level 1

    It kind of makes me throw my hands up in defeat seeing that they merged even though Small had left PAOC for all the same reasons. I do think it was a really good thing, I just find it interesting that they merged. I also believe that the differences that they argued about were not consequential enough to stay divided over. The trinity is a mystery, we are allowed to leave it in flux and so I think it is a good step forward to see them merge even though they had this difference

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