Home Forums Legacy of ACOP 2.4 How ACOP Came into Existence

  • John

    May 26, 2022 at 12:19 am
    Rank: Level 1

    Number 4 related to missionary work. Missionaries could be fortified with a more official representation if they faced challenges in various countries. The ACOP charter recognized by the Canadian government carried influence.


    May 31, 2022 at 10:23 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    What always stands out for me is the efforts done to spread the gospel (stated: To carry on home and foreign missionary work for the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ) as it is the primary task given to ALL the believers (not just the “professional” theologians). If all believers will just DO the great commission, church planting and evangelism efforts will not be as hard as it is nowadays. Many Christians believe the lie that the sharing of the gospel is only for “those who have diploma/certificate” in Biblical studies or only for those who graduated from seminary. Wrong! Matthew 28:19-20 is the task given for all the believers; whether you’re talented or not, gifted in speaking or not, there’s no excuse! As long as the Christian is “one verse ahead” he/she can be a discipler of a soul…

  • Cailey

    July 20, 2022 at 11:25 am
    Rank: Level 2

    6. “To print, publish, distribute, sell, and buy Christian literature, periodicals, pamphlets, booklets, books, and other writings for the furtherance of the of the work of the corporation. “

    In that statement it shows that the ‘corporation’ valued education themselves & educating others (which is marketing). It’s so inspiring to know that in the beginning that was a core belief.

    I am a bit of a marketing nerd and find it so fascinating that even way back then, The ACOP Organization recognized the importance of marketing & education itself.

  • Kylie

    October 3, 2022 at 3:19 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    The most interesting to me was probably the buying and selling of property, mainly because that is just an aspect of ministry I do not often think of. As well as buying and selling of property is typically an individualistic process/thought in society, thus it is intriguing to think of it in the perspective of a church organization, a collective.

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