Home Forums James 2.4 – Finding Our “True Self”

  • 2.4 – Finding Our “True Self”

    Posted by ECO on January 12, 2022 at 9:09 am

    Choose one of the following questions to respond to in a short paragraph (150-200 words max):

    1.  Have you been enticed to blame God for something which was the result of giving in to your own selfish desires? How did that turn out for you?
    2. What practical steps can you take to resist temptation in your life?
    3. Why is it important to be able to distinguish our desires as separate from our true selves? In what ways does our culture celebrate sin and evil simply as fulfilling one's true self? How can we extend love to people who are obsessed with their own desires as part of their self-identity?
    Karry (Karen) replied 2 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Karry (Karen)

    May 17, 2022 at 8:32 pm

    This is hard – keep erasing as this is way too personal so here goes a different way- Thank you God for finding me when I was lost – for forgiving me for yelling at you – for loving me when I was at my worst – for being compassionate and loving. What I have learned is I need to practice the pause – think and wait – pray and pray and pray some more. Thank you God

    What do our eyes see everywhere we turn – buy this it will make you feel this – try this – do this = practice the pause- think of Jesus who would not be checking out his likes or fame but walking humbly and loving on those who needed hope, clarity to find there true selves.

  • Dolores

    February 17, 2022 at 12:23 pm

    When I am faced with temptation in my life, I have to stop and think about the effects that fulfilling that temptation would cause to myself and the people closest to me. I remind myself that the temptation, once fulfilled, is only temporary and another temptation will be right behind that one. This would put me right back into not temptations but actual behavior.

    I pray! My temptation is food, I love to cook, and I actually am quite good at it. I receive compliments often from people I cook for. My temptation is eating rich food, but too often. I have to pray that the Lord would remind me that too much of this food isn't good for my body.

    I work out and when I don't see results I am shamed because of my temptation for food and indulgence. So remembering the emotions I experience behind the fulfillment of temptation is also practical in resisting.

    • ECO

      February 22, 2022 at 2:52 pm

      @dostapyshyn thanks for your vulnerability. It is essential that we learn how to break the chain of temptation by interrupting it when we feel a trigger of temptation. Are you familiar with Charles Duhigg’s habit chain? Your comments remind me of his work:


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