Home Forums 2.3 – The Rich and Poor

  • 2.3 – The Rich and Poor

    Posted by ECO on January 12, 2022 at 9:07 am

    Have you been tempted to define your life according to the world's standards of financial success? What is particularly attractive to this way of thinking? What is a healthy attitude to have towards our finances as Christians?

    ECO replied 3 years ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Dolores

    February 16, 2022 at 11:41 am

    I have been tempted to define my life according to the world's standards of financial success at an earlier time. I was without a relationship with the Lord and not doing well financially. Everything was a struggle, even for food. I found an excellent job and poured myself into it for many years and became quite successful and finances became less and less to worry about. I forgot about God's grace and actually thought I was the sole reason for my success.

    What is particularly attractive to this way of thinking?

    I put everything into financial success or the pursuit of it. My parents were proud of me, I had a lot of friends in high places and had a lot of respect from powerful people, I was able to afford the best for my children.

    What is a healthy attitude to have towards our finances as Christians?

    Despite the material benefits of being financially successful, it is hollow when it can't afford you a solid and happy marriage, or peace, or health. I now commit all our finances to the Lord, it is because of His grace that my husband and I can provide for our family and live comfortably but we also tithe and support ministries. Best money I have ever spent! God will continue to bless us if we show Him we are trustworthy and steward His money well.

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