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2.3 The Reason for Your Call
Posted by ECO on July 22, 2021 at 6:19 pmAnswer in a paragraph:
Discussion question: In what ways have you pursued something with the wrong motive?
Lorna Anne replied 1 year, 1 month ago 7 Members · 8 Replies -
8 Replies
Discussion question: In what ways have you pursued something with the wrong motive?
I work in the church ministry in the Philippines, then I decided to go to Hongkong to find another job opportunity, and when I went to Hongkong with my own will,not asking Gods provision, I struggled a lot. My employer who is a minister, we are not really getting along.
So I feel like I am Jonah who runs away from Gods calling, I prayed and ask Gods forgiveness, and ask God to show me the way. Turn sorrow into dancing.
I suffered consequences, but God turn it into blessings, He opened the door for another minister, my agent pulled me to that employer, and I became the company's counselling ministry.
Second wrong motive I did, I married an unbeliever and I ask God help and forgiveness, I suffered from different view in life, going in different directions in life. Since I disobeyed God, ( not equally yoke with unbeliever) . Suffer the consequences,but I turn around and ask God to show me the way.I did not give up, I prayed and I prayed,now my husband is a Christian, he follows Jesus and he encourages me to grow in my ministry.
He is my partner in our mission at church.
The wages of sin is death BUT the gift of God is eternal life.
I definitely pursued things with the wrong motive when i was not in Christ.
Then because of peer- pressure and influence, i did things, too legal, with wrong motive.
But thanks to Jesus Christ, for salvation and His redemption power–Halleluyah.
I have definitely sought after something that I felt was the next logical step for me without seeking God’s direction. These times never worked out well. I also have pusued the wrong thing because of my lack of patience in waiting on the Lord.
I think the basic answer to this question is that sometimes I have been too quick to say "Yes" when someone asks me to do something, mostly because I hate to disappoint people. However, I have learned over the years (and am still continuing to be aware) that saying "No" to something means saying "Yes" to something else. Priorities have got to be aligned well and a very clear sense of vision.
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