Home Forums Self-Awareness and Managing Yourself 2.3 How Do I Hear God’s Voice Through Scripture?

  • 2.3 How Do I Hear God’s Voice Through Scripture?

    Posted by ECO on July 12, 2021 at 4:12 pm

    After practicing Lectio Divina three times this week, respond to BOTH of the following prompts in paragraph form:

    1. At any point in Lectio, did you learn anything new about God or were you reminded of something that felt significant at this time? Did you learn anything (or were reminded) of something about yourself?
    2. Which of the four steps was most difficult, or felt least natural for you? Silence? Reading? Meditation? Response?
    Melanie replied 2 years, 1 month ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Melanie

    February 5, 2023 at 4:31 pm

    This week, while practicing Lectio Divina, I was reminded of something that I used to do as a new Christian. I used to be very intentional with this practice but over time it became less and less a focus. God reminded me of why I used to do this and that it was good to return to it. So it is something I’m being very intentional about.

    I do find being still difficult. My mind it always running away with to do lists and trying to work things out. I have been working on this and trying different tactics to help deal with it.

  • Martha

    November 1, 2021 at 9:00 am

    Fortunately for me I learned about and have been practicing Lectio Devina for a couple of years now. I first learned about this practice through the The Good and Beautiful series by James Bryan Smith that we did at our church the past couple of winters. This fall we have been Practicing Lectio Divina with the Gospel of Mark. Lectio has open up the book of Mark for me in a very different way. I have been enjoying how other people interpret the scripture. But mostly I have been reminded how much authority and power that Jesus had over the the mind, body and nature, and how amazed most of the people were.

    The most difficult part of this four step process has been finding a quite place to get really silent. All though I live alone, I live on a busy street and there is always traffic noise, or my overactive mind and thoughts invade the solitary moments I’m trying to achieve. I am getting better at releasing, acknowledging and letting go of these invasive thoughts but im still easily distracted. I’m a work in process.

    • ECO

      November 1, 2021 at 9:12 am

      @Martyv The books by James Bryan Smith are terrific. Glad that you have found value in using Lectio. It can be hard to find a quiet space to practise this discipline, but it is a fantastic way to enter Scripture and make familiar passages fresh again. Thanks for affirming this practice for others!

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