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2.2 How Canadian Pentecostals Form a Ministerial Organization
Anna replied 4 days, 18 hours ago 28 Members · 31 Replies
I think that the PAOC’s stance was actually quite wise, especially in taking the focus off of a particular theological issue and focusing on the mission instead. I think that the church leadership as a whole should be discussing these issues while asking if they are really CORE issues (do they significantly impact how we follow Jesus) and remembering that Jesus and the early Church were clear on their call to follow him but quite broad in other areas (such as what proper worship should look like).
@Zondervan great answer. This reminds me of the article mentioned in ACOP’s narratival expansion of the statement of faith about Theological Triage. Have you read it?
I think it’s great to focus on reaching the lost for Christ and not spend so much time fighting other believers over their doctrinal beliefs
Yes, in principle it is best to focus on reaching the lost not on doctrinal differences. Why do you think it can be so hard for people to do this?
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