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2.2 How Canadian Pentecostals Form a Ministerial Organization
Zach replied 2 months ago 29 Members · 32 Replies
All these shows me is the constant need of Jesus among us His body and also the beauty on how the Father loves us all.😃
As my professor and god-parent always tell us, “Keep the main thing, the main thing!” I think PAOC’s statement is a very good guideline as we do what we’re supposed to do. A lot of leaders focus too much on theological and doctrinal issues that they have forgotten there are lost souls dying everyday without hearing the gospel, as they are too busy refuting other’s beliefs. Max Lucado said in one his books, “When fisher man don’t fish, they fight!” Christians are called to fish. We should fish! It doesn’t matter if the bait is cheap, or the net/string are original or second hand, or if they are from Value Village or from Cabellas/OutDoor outlet in the Mall. What’s important is that we fish!
I am not saying that we should ignore theology and doctrine, but they are not the very first calling believers have. Jesus did not mandate us to “Go ye therefore and refine your theology and doctrines…” but to disciple all nations. Some doctrinal and theological differences we have from other Christians are not even going to matter in heaven. So, why bother? If we can let it go, let go… and focus on the main thing–discipling the nations!
I can imagine historically, the idea of a group of Christians that advocated tongues, healing and emotional expressions would be sharply rebuked by mainline Christians. The desire to come together of like-mindedness would seem a high priority to show the world a growing group with similar convictions. This concept would be fortified with the end-times impulse of that time. World War brought images of revelation and the working of Satan with an expectation of Jesus to come at any moment. Focus on particulars would seem low importance compared to the soon return of the Lord.
At this point of the Pentecostal movement it was wise for PAOC to allow for some breadth of belief. The matter of decision of what is of primary or secondary importance, etc. I believe should be opened to continued discussion among believers and always be subject to the authority of scripture. We saw this in Acts, as the early church adjusted to the new gentile believers and in the epistles as the writers addressed doctrinal questions brought up by the church.
Evangelism can not be neglected or put on hold because of doctrinal disputes. The Gospel must be shared. At the same time, doctrine still needs to be engaged with as it impacts how we walk out discipleship.
Side Note: It would have been really interesting to have had a conversation with Franklin Small on his reasoning as to why he could not minister from his convictions under the umbrella of PAOC’s statement.
@smythc1 I love the idea of having a conversation with historical figures! I wonder if we would quickly be more caught up in the resolve of Small’s character and principles than we would the content of his argument? I think that someone willing to separate from other Christians over something like this would be a strong and charismatic leader.
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