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2.2 How Canadian Pentecostals Form a Ministerial Organization
Afraz replied 6 days, 17 hours ago 27 Members · 30 Replies
I believe in this early statement the focus on the importance of unity within the boundaries set would have been to a greater advantage. These statements should have in no way hindered Mr Frank Small in His endeavours or restricted him in walking in his convictions. But the benefits to having greater unity would still be available.
Leaders with the input of members and a general consensus should determine what matters are primary or secondary importance . . . clear and unifying. I often feel we undervalue the effect of unity.
Thirdly, I would argue that the PAOC put higher importance on evangelism over doctrine. I feel that they didn't want to get stuck in the weeds on matters that are less obvious and foundational doctrinally that would have no effect on principle matters relating to salvation, sanctification and church growth.
While I can see the wisdom in emphasizing evangelism and fellowship over doctrine, I do still think it is important to have clear doctrine. I am reminded of the early church councils of Nicea, Chalcedon and others, the purpose of these was to combat the heresy of the day and so they created creeds which answered every and all minute detail. If denominations are not clear about what we believe to be truth, it is easy to have division an confusion over our beliefs.
That being said, it is also important that the church hold “in essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, and in all things charity.” In love we must be able to have differences, while holding in unity what it is that we must hold fast on.
I cant believe how something that was personal conviction divided the fellowship. Our sole focus should be evangelism
I think it may have been wise in the context of the early Pentecostal church for the PAOC to allow some leeway early on in their doctrinal beliefs as many Pentecostals early on did not want to be organized for fear of the will of God and the spontaneity of the Spirit restricted. The wrong doctrinal statement may turn off the rest of the Pentecostal churches of Canada. I do however think it would be foolish to remain vague on doctrinal values of the assembly as things would get very complicated down the road with different churches growing in different directions. The baseline to doctrine should at least be that God loves people, the trinity is true, and that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead. without this universal understanding in PAOC, the assembly would have been in trouble from the start. the character of God, the work of Jesus, and the salvation of believers should at least be central and almost everything beyond that is a secondary issue.
Also while I applaud PAOC for focusing on the great commission as their number one core value, they should at least first acknowledge the reason for the great commission as one of their core values as well. that reason is the greatest commandments, to love God and love people.
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