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Lesson 6 – The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Amanda replied 11 months, 2 weeks ago 8 Members · 10 Replies
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Deleted UserMarch 7, 2022 at 1:21 amI have understood the gifts of the spirit but am not yet familiar with all of them. I have heard prophecy as the most talked about lately. Yes I do believe I carry them alI yet, I currently operate in tongues and interpretation. I also operate in faith, wisdom, and healing. I desire to grow in the ones I have mentioned above, as well as the gift of knowledge.
@VGaffney thanks for sharing. It is wonderful to hear how many gifts you are operating in and how you want to grow in more of them. Keep cultivating a hunger for the things of God.
I loved how Peter Barbour talked about the more we use a gift the more comfortable we become. I love to pray for people, but can be hesitant to step out in other giftings. Looking to be braver this next season.
@KarryMac very good. The puritans used to say it like this: “pray until you pray.” In sports today we say, “play until you play.” As you use any gift you move from feeling like you are faking it to actually doing it. The early stages can be so scary and feel “fake”, but as we master them, it becomes second nature.
I have been fortunate to have learned about the Gifts of the Spirit over many years and have had the opportunity to use the gift of Wisdom in my work. The experience of knowing that people have been healed after praying for them has helped me to grow. Speaking in tongues is a daily experience in my life. I am growing in the gift of Faith for others and desire to grow in the gift of knowledge. Actually I desire to grow in all the gifts.
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