Home Forums Thinking Theologically 2.1 – Sin and Evil

  • 2.1 – Sin and Evil

    Posted by ECO on May 12, 2021 at 9:00 am

    Think about your social and cultural context and discuss the following questions in paragraph format:

    1. Where are you tempted to redefine good and evil according to your desires?
    2. Where do you see good and evil being redefined in the culture around you?
    Cailey replied 2 years, 1 month ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Cailey

    January 31, 2023 at 7:01 am

    I think most commonly it is easy to define my own good and evil when it comes to lying. ‘I am lying to protect their feelings’, ‘I am lying to protect myself’, and the list can keep going on with whatever serves the purpose of justifying the lie. In all honesty it’s usually easier to lie than face the truth, face that person, or even just face the facts. In the moment you may feel like you’re helping the situation but at the end of the day its still deception and once the lie is found out, it usually hurts more.

    Good and evil is being redefined everyday in the culture around me. In both the Christian world and the secular world. If we don’t have both devotion and knowledge it’s easy to bend our beliefs to fit what’s happening in the world. So it’s important to remember it is not us that defines good and evil but, God.

  • Caitlin

    June 10, 2022 at 6:14 am

    These are great questions. I cannot in the moment think of one personally, but will meditate on this to see if there is something that I have been erroring in. But for example, a child or anyone, that takes a small item from the store without paying and then says “it’s not a big deal its just a ______.” We know stealing is wrong, but in the culture these days, its just a small item, no one will miss it.
    Culture is ever changing in our world today and it can be so hard to stay in loop on what is happening. I feel that these good/evil refinement is what is causing controversies in our world. E.g. abortion, same sex marriage, assisted suicide

    Where there is a battle between what is right and what is wrong and it getting lost in translation on what God has told us. But that is part of us living in a sinful world, the enemy wants to kill, steal and destroy wherever he can.

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