Home Forums Legacy of ACOP 2.1 How Did the Pentecostal Movement Come to Canada?

  • Micah

    October 3, 2022 at 2:52 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    It doesn’t surprise me that they were not organized, and I understand their reasoning yet it also raises some concerns. I find it very interesting that the concepts of stability/sustainability are often perceived as contradictory to nearness with God or the leading of the Spirit. I understand how what has been called “church bureaucracy” can seem to kill momentum of what God is doing in the moment, yet on the other end, there are often things that go unchecked or are labelled as God’s work without being tested. How can this tension be mastered to create an accountable and sustainable (and growing) church that listens to the Spirit and is obedient?

    I think that the early spread was enhanced by a lack of organization, as people were able to let the baptism of the Holy Spirit shape their faith as it was, moulding existing denominations of Christianity rather than creating an exclusive and different new branch. Because of this, I think it reached a broader range of people.

  • Caleb

    October 3, 2022 at 3:31 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    It does not surprise me that Pentecostalism spread so well without organization because it seems that other church groups are often viewed as over-organized. perhaps their findings in their previous church governing bodies made them fear that organization would choke out how freely the spirit was moving and go against the will of God. The early resistance in the organization was most likely attractive to others within the Church who felt they had been wronged buy too many rules and regulations. The idea of spontaneity could have equated with spirituality for the early Pentecostals.

    the idea of spontaneity as purely spiritual can however be a fairly toxic belief for the church as seen in Corinth. There was disunity that was tearing the church apart, and Paul was imploring the church to be organized in worship. Paul did not say that tongues and prophecy were bad, it was just that they needed to be loving in their worship and their lack of order was missing love. Maybe the early Pentecostals realized this and worked towards organizing themselves in a way that would be beneficial to the moving of the Holy Spirit and bring all people on the same page.

  • Allan

    December 29, 2022 at 8:40 am
    Rank: Level 1

    It doesn’t surprise me when it comes to the spread of the Gospel if its truly the Holy Spirit He will fuel it and spread it wherever it goes.

    Organization is scary concept to some it limits who and what happens but also cause there to be a certain freedom to formed as well knowing there are other like minded people

  • Nate

    February 1, 2023 at 2:31 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    It certainly doesn’t surprise me that early Pentecostals had no organizational structure. Us Pentecostals can often be more willing to let things be unorganized and fluid. This can be a real strength, but can also act against us at times. In this time though I do honestly think that it helped to spread the movement more. If it had been under a governing body the growth likely would have been slowed down in order for the organization to keep up with it all!

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