Home Forums Legacy of ACOP 2.1 How Did the Pentecostal Movement Come to Canada?

  • John

    May 10, 2022 at 11:29 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    Early Pentecostals experienced resistance from their previous organized religions and therefore the idea of organization seemed as if it would quench the Spirit’s moving in individual lives. The late 1800’s saw the rise of modernism which many in main line denominations accepted liberal ideas such as Biblical criticism, doubts of the reliability of the gospels etc. Early Pentecostals followed the narrative of coming out to be separate from those who lost their first love.


    May 28, 2022 at 6:41 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    I believe there’s nothing wrong with being in order (or organized) because the God who called us is the God of order. But anything that is imbalanced leads to many problems.

    For example, I heard one pastor/leader say that worship ministry should have no restrictions–even the less talented or those who do not have a talent for singing should minister as worship leaders. But in his written church values, he reiterated the very idea of “excellence in everything,” so I was wondering if he truly understood his belief versus the church values, as he was contradicting himself upon declaring those two things. Some well-meaning believers use words and phrases loosely.

    Being organized should not hinder the church in spreading the gospel, doing the mission, and advancing God’s kingdom. Instead, it should catapult them into realizing what more could be done, and how could it be done effectively and efficiently, trusting that the Holy Spirit is the one (and should only be the one) leading and making things happen.

    Again, going back to the beginning of the lesson, understand that we are being inhabited and led by the Holy Spirit, and He will never cause us to draw our attention away from the center of everything–Jesus Christ. When “being organized” is drawing us away from Christ, then it isn’t Spirit-led. It could be personality-led, performance-led, or “the need to control/organize-led”. But when the God of order leads, everything is organized even in the midst of our human disorganization.

    Being balanced is the key!

  • Cailey

    July 13, 2022 at 7:39 am
    Rank: Level 2

    It does not surprise me that the spread of Pentecostalism was unorganized in the early days. Based on my understanding of today’s lesson, they wanted the spread of the Holy Spirit to be ‘organic’ and they didn’t want their roles and beliefs to be hindered or changed by an organization. Honestly, I can understand why & I respect their decision. It’s important to make Christ the Center always, whether that means organization or not. I think Pentecostals eventually began to organize themselves because they realized it wasn’t a bad thing and that Christ can still work through it.

  • Kylie

    October 3, 2022 at 2:30 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    I was a little surprised, however, the reasons they gave I feel were valid and made the resistance of organizing more understandable. I think it did both, but in reality probably leaned more into helping than hindering. Raising these questions and concerns before organizing would lead to a stronger foundation and understanding of fundamentals because they already were aware of possible negative effects. Yes if they had organized sooner perhaps it could have began to spread sooner and taken more traction but I also think the time of deliberation and discernment created a more stable starting place. I think they began to organize themselves, one; because of the understanding of church theology as one body and building each other up, but two; I am guessing there is about to be a historical event that presents them with the need to organize.

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