Home Forums Legacy of ACOP 2.1 How Did the Pentecostal Movement Come to Canada?

  • 2.1 How Did the Pentecostal Movement Come to Canada?

    Posted by ECO on August 16, 2021 at 5:50 pm

    Does the unorganized spread of Pentecostalism in its early days in Canada, surprise you? Why or why not? Do you think the early resistance to organization helped or hindered the spread of Pentecostalism in Canada? For what reason(s) do you think Pentecostals eventually began to organize themselves? Reflect in a paragraph.

    Zach replied 2 months, 3 weeks ago 27 Members · 29 Replies
  • 29 Replies
  • Zach

    December 18, 2024 at 8:20 pm

    The resistance to organization does not surprise me as I am sure there was a lot of freedom that came with the Holy Spirit’s outpouring, and as said in the video, it was the great equalizer. I don’t believe that the resistance to organization was necessarily a hinderance in that it was bad, and a lack of organization represented a certain purity, but I do think it is possible that it did allow for the fire to not be snuffed out or quenched by those in systems with a vested interest in putting it out. That being said, wine needs a wineskin, and so resistance to organization indefinitely could have proven more costly than short term resistance if it didn’t give way. It is possible that Pentecostals eventually started to organize themselves as they became more confident in the normalcy of the experience and the need to steward the growth of this phenomena with intentionality.

  • Anna

    November 16, 2024 at 1:50 pm

    No, I am not surprised that there was so much resistance to organizations. The people coming out of the highly structured denominations wanted freedom of expression and organizations were seen as hindrances to that freedom. It is also a know fact that people coming out of overbearing denominations would swing the pendulum in the complete opposite direction. Unfortunately, though, as much as they didn’t want to be under one particular organization or denominations, their numbers grew to such an extent that the need for organization would become inevitable.

  • Afraz

    October 30, 2024 at 9:06 pm

    No it doesn’t surprise me, because of the remoteness and lack of accessibility and communication medium was a challenge.

    There was resistance to the “new”, to something outside of the norm.

    People started spreading God’s word eventually and support other younger ministries

  • Afraz

    October 30, 2024 at 8:51 pm

    No it doesnt surprise me. The unorganized body in Canada at that time was used by God to spread the revival.

    Due to the remoteness during that era. Was it a hindrance?

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