Home Forums Intimacy with Christ 1.6 God Is Relationship: Spirit

  • 1.6 God Is Relationship: Spirit

    Posted by ECO on August 9, 2021 at 11:09 am

    Rather than look at a passage through the Discover, Share, Obey approach, following this lesson spend some time in stillness. Seek the Holy Spirit in God's hiddenness. Encounter Him in the secret place. See what comes up when you adore Him in solitude and silence with the same zeal you might seek him in a packed and vibrant worship service. 

    In a brief paragraph, either share your encounter with the Holy Spirit or share a little about your thoughts, frustrations, observations about the time in stillness itself.

    Abayomi replied 1 year, 5 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Abayomi

    September 20, 2023 at 1:27 pm

    I relate to the Holy Spirit in His manifestation as well as in His hiddenness moments.

    But, i would say that His hiddenness is more essential to me.

    Manisfestations are like mountain-top experiences, they can be surprising and marvelously dramatic.

    In stillness i can feel the voice of God, i can see Him and feel Him helping and praying for us.

    God is Love.

  • Josiah

    May 30, 2023 at 4:56 pm

    It is when I encounter The Holy Spirit in hiddenness and adore Him in stillness, That I can sense His presence as I have never had before.

    It is in those times of hiddenness that The Holy Spirit gives us the blueprints to do God’s will.

    It is in the times of manifestation that God’s work is carried out.

  • Kaela

    March 4, 2023 at 3:49 pm

    Personally I tend to struggle more with stillness, not always and in every situation. But I do find it hard to just be still, to just spend time with God. It’s something I desire to do very much so, but in the moment I don’t have the motivation. I feel full and refreshed. I also tend to get distracted sometimes, so that’s something I need to work on.

  • Karlena

    September 15, 2022 at 5:14 am

    I relate to the Holy Spirit both in His manifestation as well as in His hiddenness. However, I would say that His hiddenness is something that is more intrinsic to me. Manifestations are like mountaintop experiences–they can be quite surprising and marvelously overwhelming. Dramatic. After the mountaintop, I feel like you need to come down and live in the day to day. If something really spiritually dramatic happens, it can take a few days to make the transition. I recall the LORD shielding Moses when His glory passed by him (Exodus 33.18-33). That’s how I feel sometimes after a dramatic encounter with God–like it is awesome, amazing, yet I am glad that the LORD remembers that I am very human and am just dust. The hiddenness of the Spirit is something that to me is like going deeper, deeper, deeper. Deep calls onto deep. The secret place is one of safety, intimacy, being perfectly known and loved, and connecting with God. In stillness, I can hear the voice of the Rock of Ages. In this stillness, I can see His eyes searching my heart and showing me what is in my heart. He may also give me a word or even a new song. I can get a glimpse of His heart and love Him even more.

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