Home Forums Intimacy with Christ 1.5 God Is Relationship: Father

  • 1.5 God Is Relationship: Father

    Posted by ECO on August 9, 2021 at 10:30 am

    Apply the Discover, Share, Obey approach to Luke 15:11-32.

    Consider the parable itself, the Rembrandt painting, and Nouwen's personal experience. How have you "been" the younger son, the older son, or the father? What things might God want to address in your faith life through this passage? What is God saying through this passage? How does it impact my faith that God reveals Himself as Father? How should it change the way I live and think, and is there something tangible I can do this week to act on it? Who can I share these truths with? 

    Share some of your reflections in a brief paragraph. 



    Lorna Anne replied 1 year, 3 months ago 8 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Lorna Anne

    December 8, 2023 at 9:42 pm

    The younger son,,he never thinks the consequences, the outcome ,he just follow his desire and wants .

    – he uses his privilege, and he got everything, he runs away, and lost the connections. The younger sons is like a Christian that wants blessings but did not grow in the Lord. Did not grow the relationship.

    The order son, is like an older Christian, work so hard in the ministry, and never enjoyed the blessings of being a children of God. Never use the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Wasted the benefits of being a child of the king.

    The Father is the givers of life,provider and loving Daddy.

    – he is always ready to help.

    – always waiting for son to co e home. He never force the son to come home but he waited that his son comes to realization.

    The passage that touch my life is that, God has given us all we needed, we need to use it. He has appointed us to do the mission, we have everything we need but we need to have always one toon with our Father.

  • Abayomi

    September 20, 2023 at 11:44 am

    I can’t help but relate to the Father; because, He is the most important character in this story.

    I remember those anxious moments, with the children, while they were growing up, i think on this and it’s more than a story. God still continues to be gracious and merciful unto us. Praise God.

    When i realize God is so constant, while letting us do what we do, and at times, our actions are not always good and right. He is always watching, praying, and waiting for us.

    He is ever so constant and real, He celebrates our return without pause.

    That’s so merciful, He is ever faithful, He never fails.

    Father, Thank You.

  • Josiah

    May 22, 2023 at 10:55 am

    After I had read Luke15:11-32 and saw Rembrandts painting of the return of the prodigal son there was one thing that that really stood out to me.

    I am like the prodigal son, I have wasted those precious hours that God gave me on things that do not matter.

    I have left my Heavenly Father in pursuit of my own interests.

    I have tried to find meaning in life and could not find it.

    But every time I come back to my Heavenly Father and tell Him that I am sorry He forgives me and welcomes me back again.

  • Kaela

    March 3, 2023 at 11:43 am

    I feel as though I can relate more to the younger son. I have definitely rebelled, as we all have. I didn’t try to work for salvation like the older brother, I was Luke warm. Knew the truth but didn’t live like it. I can see how it is tempting to want to work for your salvation, now that I take this seriously. But I turn to God and give Him my all, I try to lay everything on the table for Him, even though He already knows. I also remember a point in my life of hitting “rock bottom” so to say and turning my life to Him. I started to read my Bible faithfully and as I did that I became more sensitive and aware of the sins in my life. God is telling me in this passage to know that He loves and wants me. That all I need to do is go to Him and He is there, waiting for me with open arms.

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