Home Forums Thinking Theologically 1.5 – Creation and Image Bearing

  • 1.5 – Creation and Image Bearing

    Posted by ECO on May 11, 2021 at 9:02 pm

    Respond to the following writing prompts in paragraph format:

    1. If God has made you an image bearer, where in your life is He calling you to live out the character of God?
    2. Where in your life do you need to live out God's compassion and love (or some other attribute)?
    Cailey replied 2 years, 2 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Cailey

    January 11, 2023 at 12:04 pm

    To me, being an image-bearer for God means that I need to always be an example of God’s true character, which is love, forgiveness, generosity and truth. So, I believe I am called to show out God’s character in everything I do, so that I can be an example and others will want to follow Christ because of that.

    Like I said the goal is to show out God’s character always but I can say I struggle with showing compassion when I disagree with an individuals (or group of peoples) actions. I cannot handle disrespect, demeaning behaviour, or using scripture to ones advantage. But God calls us to still show compassion and at the end of the day I know it’s not place but God’s .

  • Caitlin

    June 9, 2022 at 11:32 am

    I believe in everything I do and everywhere I go I am called to be an image bearer. Currently as a Pastor and working hard at reaching our community that is an area that we strive to be his hands and feet and reflect Gods character.
    I also feel that there are days where I can do better to show Gods compassion and love. Sometimes I am caught up in our man made schedules and routines and there may be times where God is asking me to stop and do something completely out of the box for others. Those are the times where I need to remind myself why I am here and who I am.
    God is a good God and by his grace we continue to share his love to others.

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