Home Forums Legacy of ACOP 1.4 Factors That Gave Rise to the Modern Pentecostal Movement

  • Max

    March 24, 2022 at 7:03 pm

    I agree with Seymour’s statement. It is far too easy to become focused on the manifestation and not on the reason behind it. Ultimately, it should all point towards Jesus.

    • Micah

      October 3, 2022 at 1:56 pm

      I wonder if Seymour was influenced by Jonathan Edwards telling people years earlier that it is the cause, not the effect, that is important. It makes me curious how much was taught on the gift of tongues during the Azusa street revival, or if it was just quietly tied back to evidence of the baptism of the Spirit. If we don’t talk about it at all or teach what it is, does it become more or less of a stumbling block for those unfamiliar with it?

  • Charla

    March 20, 2022 at 9:06 pm

    Words are powerful. I believe that when the Pope dedicated the 20th century to the Holy Spirit he was making a Kingdom of Heaven inspired declaration. Is this declaration the only reason for so many Holy Spirit-birthed movements in this era? I don’t think so. I believe this was simply one of many pieces to what the Lord was orchestrating in this time, setting the stage for an outpouring of Holy Spirit.

    • ECO

      March 22, 2022 at 9:44 am

      @smythc1 that’s right. I believe that God works in patterns and that when God is doing one thing in one part of his church, he is doing the same thing in another part of his church (even if it looks a little different).

  • Jenn

    March 20, 2022 at 10:27 am

    Talking about speaking in other tongues can distracting new believers from Jesus. If we focus on tongues initially, it detracts from the miracle of salvation. We can get wrapped up in conversations about evidence in an already divisive topic, when salvation comes by faith, not evidence. Similar in that we can’t understand the Word of God fully until after we’ve decided to open our hearts to it, trying to understand the Baptism of the Holy Spirit only makes sense to us after we’ve already experienced salvation. Let’s focus on sharing the love of Christ, and after, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

  • Alexander

    March 17, 2022 at 11:10 am

    I assume Seymour said this because it was easily a devisive topic in the early days of the modern pentecostal movement. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit’s primary mission is to point people to him and glorify him, so I believe that the Holy Spirit would be pleased with our focus being on the gift giver rather than on the details of the gifts. I don’t think the intention of this statement was for people not to talk about the gifts, but to make sure the ultimate focus is on Jesus and the Holy Spirit’s purpose (as well as the purpose of his gifts).

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