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Lesson 4 – Benefits of Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Amanda replied 11 months, 3 weeks ago 11 Members · 14 Replies
i love praying in tongues… I love the fact that it buy passes my brain and i am in tune with what holy spirit wants me to pray. i have notice that my english prayer is very much empowered when i do. i also pray in tougues when i am around people with another spirt. holy spirt knows peoples needs better that i do so it is effective tool to pray for one another
@Chriskenna@msn.com I always find that phrase, “bypasses my brain” interesting. One scholar, James Smith, in his book Thinking in Tongues, suggests that speaking in tongues is actually a deeper form of thinking. His point is that thinking isn’t shaped just by our brains, but also by our habits. In other words, as we do things our brains are shaped by those habits. So it shouldn’t surprise us if “speaking/thinking” in tongues may actually change the structure of our brains.
Have you ever seen scientific studies of people’s brains while they are speaking in tongues? If not, check out this video:
Many times, in a time of difficulty, as I spend time praying in tongues, I was empowered to face the situation with peace rather than with fear. Other times, in the moment, I have started praying in tongues to stay in peace rather than move to anger. God meet me every time I turned to Him.
My prayer language is very important to me. There has been times when I don’t know what or how to pray for others or even myself. I am grateful for the Holy Spirit as He will prompt me to pray, and other times it is the strong unction of the Spirit to pray in tongues when I am overwhelmed. I would like to grow in this gift with a boldness to share with others my life in Christ, His gifts, everlasting love and eternal life.
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