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1.3 Who Was Called in Scripture?
Stephanie Naomi replied 11 months, 2 weeks ago 10 Members · 12 Replies
I believe I am called to be a missionary/ youth pastor but I’m still listening about the pastor part. I love talking to people and people seem to enjoy talking to me. God has communicated to me through people and opportunities I have had in my church and at bible camps. For example; When I was fifteen and a memory verse at camp was all about being a missionary and spreading Gods word. Another example would be working as a missionary at the one bible camp. I have never felt happier to know that I had Christians around to help me know God more.
Maria, it is exciting to sense God’s direction for our lives. Being called as a missionary is awesome. It is interesting that some people become “vocational” missionaries though because, in reality, all Christians are called to be missional. One way to say this is that as Christians, “we are already called.”
This does not undervalue one’s personal and particular calling to missions though. Often God uses individuals in this way to inspire the whole body.
How has God met you? How has he communicated, connected, confirmed, or given observable evidence of your call?
I believe God has called me to “Friendship Evangelism”. God has given me favor with people and an ability to share the gospel effectively since memorizing scriptures as a young person.
Great Bradley. Friendship evangelism is a valid and important way that the gospel spreads. Someone once said that the early Christians went about “Gossiping the gospel.” When we can learn to speak truth to our friends, we can be confident that God is using us!
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