1.3 – What does the church need most from James today?
Amanda replied 8 months, 3 weeks ago 6 Members · 8 Replies
In my opinion, steadfastness in suffering is crucial for Christians living today. Many will agree that the last two and a half years have been a true test of faith, but what is the outcome of being able to withstand not only the physical but mental, spiritual and emotional trials of these days?
According to James 1:2-4, We are to meet these challenges with hope and knowledge that there is a lesson in our suffering,which will build us up to be dutifully firm and unwavering in our life in Christ.
As Christians today, times are not necessarily going to become easier but even more challenging as we begin to move into a "post covid" reality. The way we reflect the peace that passes all understanding during these times will speak to those who do not know Christ. We build our testimony through our trials and Christ's perfect faithfulness.
@dostapyshyn great reflections. It is interesting to think about how hardship and suffering build resilience when we are not crushed by them, but grow through them. I appreciate your foresight in thinking about how the world will shift and change after COVID. Do you have any thoughts about how it will become more difficult?
I say that “times are not necessarily going become easier” because I truly feel we are shifting into a time when wars and rumours of war are happening, on one hand man is becoming increasingly more sinful and on the other, Christians are becoming more bold.
Our faith is being challenged more than ever by the world and Christians are being persecuted all around the world. Despite all this, we have peace in our hearts and the hope of His return!
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