Home Forums Self-Awareness and Managing Yourself 1.2 What is Self-Awareness and Self-Management?

  • 1.2 What is Self-Awareness and Self-Management?

    Posted by ECO on July 15, 2021 at 5:08 pm

    Respond to the following prompts in a paragraph:

    1. Mandy explained sanctification as “the work of the Holy Spirit transforming us to be more and more like Christ [and] the people God intends us to be.” Have you thought much about sanctification before?
    2. When you think of your own growth in sanctification, do you feel you have a good understanding of how that process happens?
    3. Mandy says that, while sanctification is a work of the Holy Spirit, it also involves our engagement and is wrestled out both as individuals and with our community. Where do you see opportunities to engage with sanctification in your life, both as an individual and with your community?


    Juma replied 4 months, 4 weeks ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Juma

    October 14, 2024 at 8:41 pm

    Personally I have always been aware of my self and my sounding although my self awareness have changed in the recent years as I grow in the knowledge of God. The word of God makes me know myself more and no matter anybody things or say anything negative about me becomes a void statement; for, I know who I am in my creators mind He alone can determine my blue print. Hallelujah and praise Jesus.

  • Annie

    June 11, 2023 at 5:44 am

    I had thought about sanctification in the past but have not a deeper understanding of it and had not thought of it if I’m being sanctified and how it is done. I learned from the lesson that Sanctification is being done by the holy spirit in our lives as we continually read, and hear the word of God.

    I think that as an individual I can express sanctification of my life by going to church on Sunday instead of going to a party held in a club, by attending prayer meetings instead of watching drama in a television. For the community, my sanctification can best be displayed by how speak kind and gentle words to others and how I treat others with unconditional love whether they are Christians or not.

  • Melanie

    January 11, 2023 at 6:58 pm

    I haven't spent a lot of time thinking about it in the past. There have been times during conversations with people that I've tried to get a better understanding of what Sanctification means and tried to figure out what it may look like. My default thinking is "what do I have to do to accomplish this" Now I understand it's not what I do, it's being open to what the Holy Spirit wants to do in my life.

    I've realized now that it's an area I need to learn more about and focus on. I don't feel I have a good understanding but it is something I've been reading about to get a better understanding.

  • Kathryn

    August 22, 2021 at 1:51 pm

    1. I use to be always looking in to see the tiny shifts that were happening in my life. What was God up to in this area and that area. But I find later in my life that I don’t look in so much and just let life be as I live each day. I think I did too much navel gazing when I was a younger Christian.

    2. God always surprises and I have found over the years that that process is different all the time. So no I don’t understand the process.

    3. I always have a listening ear to the people I engage with. Again I am forever surprised how a word from whomever (Christian or not) can be used by God to drive something deep into my heart. Many times it is in the realm of the ordinary where God uses whatever to shape me.

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