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1.2 What Is Calling?
Posted by ECO on July 21, 2021 at 6:46 pmAnswer the following in a paragraph:
Has God anointed people to set them apart for a distinct calling, role, or gift within the Body of Christ, His church?
Stephanie Naomi replied 11 months, 2 weeks ago 13 Members · 20 Replies -
20 Replies
God has absolutely anointed people through his Holy Spirit and set them apart for a distinct calling, role or gift within the Body of Christ. First, we learn that God calls those that are His, to him. Romans 8. 28-30 indicates that God foreknew and chose those who would believe to come to him, and gave them right standing with himself. This is the call that all Christians receive initially to draw us to the Father. Then, second to this, in the age of the Church (New Testament to today) the Holy Spirit gifts each of us with different giftings. In 1 Corinthians we see the gifts of the spirit listed such as gift of special knowledge, gift of healing, gift of interpretation etc. For we are many parts that make up one body. If we all operated in exactly the same calling or gifting then we might not get so far. We are each given a role to support the church and all that it takes to operate well as the body and also to be empowered in our own unique way to fulfil the Great Commission and the work that Jesus began which is to spread the Gospel across the world and to make disciples. Later in Romans 12 Paul admonishes us to operate well in the ability that God has given us; "if God has given you the ability to prophecy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you" (V6). I believe scripture gives great evidence to say that we are each called to our own unique position in the body and not everyone can operate in the same role, and the same place and in the same way or even WITHIN the confines of the church because we need to get out into the world to bring that light of Jesus and message of the Gospel out with us.
Yes God has designed a five fold ministry within the modern church. Apostle, prophets, evangelism, pastor and teacher. God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Evangelism God’s word within the community, elders within the church being God’s leaders, prophets, disciples spreading the joy of Jesus, servanthood, guidance, joy. Community within the church family
The video outlined that first and foremost, we are called to Christ to His salvation and lordship. Then God will call us to use the gifts that he has imparted on us, such as from birth or through blessings by hands laid on us etc, to serve Him in a specific mission, and support His church (directly or indirectly). We all have a calling, which makes us the “called ones”, and our mandate, big or small, vocational or laity, serves a great purpose from God to God.
This reminds me of a few verses in a new Kirk Franklin song (All Things), it says about your calling:
Just because He’s silent
Doesn’t mean that He’s still
He’s not only preparing it for you
He’s preparing you for it
As far as “annointing”, as it is from God it would be inherently annointed by His authority when imparted through the Holy Spirit, a spiritually annointed gift or calling in this context. In the Old Testement, I am reminded of annointings with oil to designate priests, prophets and kings, such as King David. This being a physical ritual that today may be happen through the Holy Spirit. However, I always keep a bottle of olive oil around for praying over my children.
Yes God anoints people by His Holy Spirit to set them apart for distinct calling or role within the body of Christ, His church.
We can see examples in both the Old and New testament of the Bible.
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