Home Forums Spirit-Filled Life Lesson 1 – A Life of Miracles

  • Lesson 1 – A Life of Miracles

    Posted by ECO on October 26, 2021 at 11:48 am

    Answer ONE of the following in paragraph form:

    1. Has the absence of miracles become your default in life? What would it take for you to experience a life of miracles?
    2. Peter suggested that even if we believe miracles have not ceased in our day, if our lifestyle is devoid of miracles, perhaps we should question if we are indeed “practical Cessationists.” Do you agree? Or are there biblical reasons why believing Christians might not experience miracles?
    Juma replied 5 months, 2 weeks ago 15 Members · 18 Replies
  • 18 Replies
  • Juma

    September 24, 2024 at 1:10 pm

    Personally I do not believe in cessations; I have seen live miracles of deliverance where evil spirits were being casted out of an individual and they used the person to speak their agenda. I have seen so many videos of miracle healing of all kinds especially in Africa and all over the globe. My desire is to be the carrier of healing miracles, signs and wonders in Jesus name.

  • Amanda

    March 19, 2024 at 11:10 am

    I had never really considered it before, but I suppose that my default in life has become a life without miracles. Miracles are not something that I've ever prayed for or even really considered to be possible for me, though I have prayed for them for others. I feel like I still hold on to so much of the skepticism that I picked up as an atheist that it's become a habit, almost, to deny myself of a lot of spiritual experiences. Only now it's that I refuse miracles for myself not because I find them fundamentally implausible, but because I find myself to be so fundamentally unworthy of encountering them.

    I think to truly experience a life filled with miracles, I need to do a few things. It's not one simple change that needs to be made within me, it's more akin to one of those rubber band balls that needs to be unraveled. First and foremost, I need to change my frame of mind. I need to search my past for evidence of miracles that are certainly there. I need to strengthen my identity in Christ and continue to grow in my relationship with the Lord. I need to stop isolating myself from others and put my faith into action. Those are probably my largest hurdles, but I'm sure I could go on. What does it all have in common? I need to make peace with discomfort.

  • Lorna Anne

    November 28, 2023 at 3:02 pm

    The absence of miracles become default in life if we have disobedience to God. Not having faith

    According to the word of God faith without action is deed. To take experience the life

    Of miracle of u out your trust in God. I seen the miracle of God in my sons life when he got run over by the truck I ask God to use this miracles for his Gods glory.

  • Abayomi

    August 4, 2023 at 5:36 pm

    Our lives have been one of numerous miracles, but sadly many fail to see the hand of God in their lives,

    let’s think deeply about just one of the miracle of God in our lives; the ability to sleep and wake up the next morning, is actually a miracle.

    Many slept and never woke up. We should not take God for granted, learn to give thanks always.

    In both OT and NT of the Bible, there are records of healings, raising of the dead and others. Chapters like, Matthew, Acts of the Apostles, Mark , and the creation story, in the book of Genesis.

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