Lesson 1, Topic 5
In Progress

The Goal of the Law

Mandy February 1, 2022
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
The Goal of
the Law

Purpose Matters

How can a book of rules and regulations point to a bigger purpose?

God doesn’t do things without a reason and the rules and regulations in the book of Leviticus are no exception. That means, in the midst of the details, there has to be a bigger purpose God has for his people and for us as participants in the story of Leviticus. 

So, how can we get past all the rules and regulations and get to the goal of the Law?

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How Does Knowing the OT Law Help Us Today?

Knowing the Law gives us deeper understanding of not only who we are as part of God’s covenant people, but also a fuller understanding of Christ and who we are as his disciples. Throughout Leviticus, if we are attentive, we begin to see the transformative movement of God towards God’s intention, ours and all creation’s experience of the fullness his Kingdom here on Earth. 

As you read and meditate on the tabernacle narrative with me, I pray that you may come to see that it is not something obscure that happened thousands of years ago. Instead, I pray you will read this narrative as your family story. [...] Ultimately, we need to mediate on this, our family story, because we have the same God as our forefathers. The same God who said to them, “I may dwell in their midst” (Ex. 25:8), says to us today, “In [Christ] you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit” (Eph. 2:22). Just as He did for our forefathers, God has come to dwell among us that we might have a relationship with Him based on His amazing grace.

Test Yourself

What is the central thematic verse of Leviticus?


Leviticus 11:44 “I am the Lord your God;
Consecrate ourselves and be holy, because I am holy.”

Talk it Through

Home Forums What is the Goal of the Law?

  • What is the Goal of the Law?

    Posted by ECO on February 15, 2022 at 11:22 am
    Respond in paragraph format to the following prompt(s): Regarding the goal of the law, which of the four points Mandy emphasized surprised you or interested you most, why?
    1. To practically fulfill the greatest commandment.
    2. To show the people of God how to fulfill their covenant responsibility to be a kingdom of God and a holy nation.
    3. The movement of God towards God’s intention.
    4. To prepare us for Christ.
    ECO replied 2 years, 2 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
  • 0 Replies

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