Home Forums Spirit-Filled Life Lesson 10 – Revelation Gifts

  • Abayomi

    August 16, 2023 at 1:59 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    I do understand the difference between these gifts. I feel God has given me anointing into the gift of wisdom, which i thankfully use in my walk with God.

    I’m gifted with the gift of discernment, but i need to focus more on the gift of healing, for me and others, in my walk with Christ.

    Also, the impartation of these gifts, in my life, have been, gracious, beneficial, life-building, and Godly ordained.

  • Lorna Anne

    November 30, 2023 at 11:57 pm
    Rank: Level 2

    Yes I recognized the difference between word of wisdom, word of knowledge and discernment.

    I experienced the word of wisdom when dealing with the church problems. And counselling is really needed in the gifts of wisdom.

    This gifting is really needed as we daily walk with Jesus.

  • Amanda

    March 29, 2024 at 5:55 pm
    Rank: Level 1

    I recognize the difference between these, but I also do see the overlap between them all. These are the gifts that I find most present in my own life, I think. I can’t even count the number of times that I’ve just known something without understanding how or why. I also have visions, but I tend to avoid talking about those (except now, apparently) because I worry about the potential backlash from me admitting to them. It actually catches the attention of people around me as well because it can be so jarring. I’ve had people call me a medium before, but I would never claim that title, nor do I think it’s accurate – I’m only using it for context.

    Similarly, I am fortunate enough to have the gift of discernment as well. Very rarely do I not peg things for what they are, especially demonic or oppressive spirits. I have been wrong, but the more that I engage with this gift and the more that I genuinely thank the Lord for it, the more accurate it seems to become.

    I use these gifts a lot – with my church community, with my family, mainly. I’ve become a sort of “consultant” to many people who may not have these gifts at this very moment. Just last night I found a demonic presence and cast it out. I just need to ensure that I don’t fall into the trap of pride and forget where these gifts come from, but thus far, I haven’t felt the temptation to claim the power as my own.

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